Time & Location
Mar 29, 2024, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Seattle, 2219 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121, USA
About the event
The Anti 27 Club Overdose Response workshop is for venue owners, staff, show promoters, nightlife workers, and other music and entertainment industry professionals to learn how to spot and respond to an overdose. Every attendee will receive a free overdose response kit that includes Narcan and a Fentanyl test strip dispenser for your venue or event space. Presented by Seattle Musicians Access to Sustainable Healthcare (SMASH), the City of Seattle Office of Economic Development, Office of King County Executive Dow Constantine, Fentanyl United Crisis Coalition (FUCC) and Luka's Sit, Sip, & Roll.
If this event shows no available RSVP's please email Nikki@SMASHSeattle.org about attending.
- What is causing overdoses?
- Regional overdose trends.
- How to identify an overdose.
- How to respond to an overdose.
- Harm reduction techniques
- People who use drugs.
- Friends, family, & colleagues of people who use drugs.
- Venue staff.
- Event promoters & staff.
- Concert attendees
12:00PM: Doors & lunch
12:30PM: Welcome Remarks by Milli Militi, Founder of Fentanyl United Crisis Coalition (FUCC)
12:45PM: Overdose Response Workshop
- The what and why of harm reduction
- Drug overdose trends
- What are Opioids and fentanyl?
- How to respond to an opioid overdose
- Preventing overdose
- Whats in the kit
- Discussion
Yes! We encourage everyone who wants to attend to attend. We ask that you just take one kit per organization.
WILL THIS TRAINING BE AVAILABLE VIA LIVESTREAM? We are not live-streaming this training. A recorded training may be available at a later date.
WHO IS TEACHING THIS WORKSHOP? The Overdose Prevention staff at Public Health King County designs this workshop and Nikki Barron of SMASH is leading it. Welcome remarks by Milli Militi, Founder of Fentanyl United Crisis Coalition (FUCC).
REFRESHMENTS: Complimentary beverages, including coffee, tea, and water, will be provided during this workshop. We will also provide a selection of lunch options.
ACCESSIBILITY: If you need a sign language interpreter or other accommodations, please get in touch with Nikki@smashseattle.org as soon as possible to make arrangements. The venue is accessible for those in a wheelchair or with mobility issues.
ABOUT THE ANTI 27 CLUB: We are here to address the cultural role drugs and alcohol play in the music industry plus provide resources for those looking to make a change in their own substance use. The Anti 27 Club is a drug and alcohol harm reduction public health campaign presented by Musicians Access to Sustainable Healthcare (SMASH).
ABOUT SMASH: SMASH is a nonprofit organization dedicated to keeping Puget Sound musicians healthy by providing free and low-cost access to primary care, mental health treatment, dental, vision, hearing, Substance Use Disorder treatment, and support navigating the complicated and frustrating health care system. SMASH is not insurance so musicians still qualify if they already have insurance. Learn more at SMASHSeattle.org.
30 minutesWELCOME